Wem's Shopping Centre

Wem is a small market town in Shropshire, England, 3 miles from the border with Wales. It has an interesting history largely connected with the English Civil War. At that time, it was the sole Parliamentarian stronghold in Shropshire. The Parliamentarians won...

It is also notable for its lack of national shop chains- virtually all the shops in town are locally owned and run, so, to a large extent, the rise and fall of large chains of shops passes Wem by.
Have a look at the history of the shops and the pubs through the ages. If you have any reminiscences or photographs that you think can add to the site, please either send them, or print the enclosed form and send the answers to Wem Civic Society or contact the society via wemcivsoc@yahoo.co.uk and they will be added to this virtual history.

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